For parents who want to give their children a competitive edge, Olympiad exams are a great option. These exams offer an opportunity for your child to learn beyond the curriculum, develop a greater passion for knowledge, and be recognized in India and abroad. Find out in this article which of the 5 best Olympiad exams in India can provide your child with the skills they need to shine!


As the competition to get into good schools and colleges gets tougher, many parents are looking for ways to give their children a leg up. One way to do this is by having them take Olympiad exams.

Olympiad exams are a great way for kids to showcase their talents and abilities. They also help kids develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

There are many different Olympiad exams that kids can take in India. Some of the most popular ones include the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), the International English Olympiad (IEO), and the International Science Olympiad (ISO).

The IMO is one of the most prestigious math competitions in the world. The IEO is an English proficiency exam that is taken by students from all over the world. The ISO is a science competition that is open to students from all over the world.

All three of these exams are offered by The National Foundation for Educational Research and Training (NFER) in India. To sign up, parents can visit their website or contact their local NFER center.

Olympiad exams in India

Olympiad exams are conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) in India. They are held twice a year, once in May and again in November. The exams are open to students of Classes 1 to 12.

The SOF Olympiad exams are popular among students and parents as they offer an opportunity for students to test their knowledge and skills against their peers from across the country. The exams also help identify talented students who can be encouraged to pursue careers in science and mathematics.

The syllabus for the SOF Olympiad exams is based on the school syllabus for classes 1-10. The exam papers consist of multiple-choice questions designed to test the student’s analytical and problem-solving skills.

The SOF Olympiad exams are conducted in two phases: Phase I is the written examination, which is held at the student’s school; Phase II is the interview phase, which is conducted at select centres across India.

To register for the SOF Olympiad exams, interested students can log on to the official website of the Science Olympiad Foundation.

Benefits of Olympiad exams

Olympiad exams are a great way for children to learn and improve their academic skills. They also help children develop a competitive spirit and a love for learning. Olympiad exams provide an opportunity for children to interact with other bright minds from all over the world.

Olympiad exams in India

There are many Olympiad exams in India that your child can take to shine. The most popular ones include the National Science Olympiad (NSO), the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), and the International English Olympiad (IEO).

Olympiad exams are conducted by various organizations like Science Olympiad Foundation, Scholars Olympiad, Indian Talent Olympiad, Crest Olympiad etc. and is open to students of Classes 1-12. The exam tests students’ knowledge of various subjects like English, maths, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

The IMO is conducted by the Mathematical Association of India and is open to students of Classes 1-12. The exam tests students’ knowledge of various mathematical concepts.

The IEO is conducted by the British Council and is open to students of Classes 1-12. The exam tests students’ knowledge of various aspects of the English language.

  • Scholars Olympiad (SO)

The Scholars Olympiad (SO) is an annual high school mathematics competition held in India. It is the most innovative mathematics competition in India, and is one of the premier mathematics competitions in the world. Over 1000 schools have participated this year alone and 50 thousand of teachers across the country have supported the program. Over 50,000 parents have trusted Scholars Olympiad so far. Students can also enrol for online Olympiad exams.

The SO was first held in 2020, and has since been held every year. It is a two-stage competition. The first stage, known as the Round 1 (R1), is held in various regions across India. The top performers from each region are then invited to participate in the second stage, known as the Round 2 (R2) and the final winners are announced for same.

The Scholars Olympiad Exam (Round 1) is usually held in December or January, while the Scholars Olympiad Exam (Round 2) is usually held in February. Both competitions are conducted over a span of seven days. The Round 1 consists of two slots of examination, students can select any slots based on their convenience.

Hundreds of schools across the globe and thousands of students who have directly benefited from SO’s educational, informative, and evaluation programs have praised SO’s integrity and commitment to achieving its objectives. Several more advanced programs are in the pipeline for SO, which are expected to revolutionize education and competitive exam preparation in the future.

Olympiad Exams conducted by Scholars Olympiad:

Scholars Olympiad Awards:

Students who perform well in the Olympiad exams are rewarded with prizes according to their rank. 1st Rank holders at the national level are awarded Rs 1 Lakh, while 2nd Rank holders get a cash prize of Rupees 40,000 each. Those earning 3rd and 4th place respectively receive laptops and tablets as recognition for their achievement. Additionally, the eligible students can also avail themselves of State Level Scholarships and Excellence medal awards.

To win exciting prizes please register for Online Scholars Olympiad

Scholars Online Olympiad Registration

  • Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO)

The Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO) is an annual physics competition for high school students in India. It is organized by the Indian Talent Olympiad for Science Education (ITOs) of the Indian Talent (ITO), Mumbai. The ITO is one of the regional qualifying exams for the International Olympiad.

The exam consists of two written rounds and a practical round. The written rounds are held on consecutive days, and the first round is held on the third day. The first written round is a multiple-choice exam, and the second written round is amultiple-choice exam

The ITO was first held in 2017, and has been held annually since then. Over the years, it has become increasingly popular, with thousands of students participating from all over India.

Online Olympiad Registration

  • Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)

Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)

  • National Cyber Olympiad (NCO)
  • National Science Olympiad (NSO)
  • International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
  • International English Olympiad (IEO)
  • International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO)
  • Indian Biology Olympiad (IBioO)

The Indian Biology Olympiad (IBioO) is an annual national level biology competition for high school students in India. The Olympiad is organized by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) under the aegis of the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM). The aim of the IBioO is to promote interest and excellence in biology among Indian students and to identify and encourage talented young biologists.

The Olympiad comprises of two rounds – a written examination and a practical examination. Paper I is a multiple-choice paper consisting of 100 objective questions, each carrying one mark. Paper II is an essay type paper consisting of 10 essay type questions, each carrying 10 marks. The practical examination consists of a laboratory test and an oral test.

The laboratory test comprises of four experiments, each carrying 25 marks. The oral test comprises of an interview with the panel of experts, which carries 50 marks.

A student who secures 60% or more marks in Paper I, 40% or more marks in Paper II and 50% or more marks in the practical examination will be declared as ‘Qualified for the Final Round’. A student who secures 80% or more marks in the final round will be declared as ‘Winner’.

  • The Indian Chemistry Olympiad (IChemO)

The Indian Chemistry Olympiad (IChemO) is an annual national level chemistry competition for high school students in India. It is organized by the Indian Association of Chemistry Teachers (IACT) and sponsored by the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL). The Olympiad aims to promote interest in chemistry among students and to identify and encourage talented young chemists.

Paper I is designed to test the candidate’s ability to solve problems in basic chemistry. Paper II tests the candidate’s understanding of advanced chemical principles and their applications.

The top 100 rankers in IChemO are invited to attend the one-week Orientation-Cum-Training Camp (OCTC) held at NCL, Pune. This camp provides an opportunity for the participants to interact with leading chemists and get acquainted with various aspects of chemistry. The camp also helps in the selection of the Indian team for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO).


I want to conduct these exams in my school, what should I do?

For details and more information about school registration, please send us an email at [email protected] with the details of your school.

Can ‘I’ participate in the Olympiad examination individually as my school is not participating in Olympiad examination?

Only Scholars Olympiads (www.scholarsolympiad.com) and NSTSE accept individual registrations.

How can I participate in Olympiad Examination?

In which subject these exams are conducted?

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • Cyber
  • General Knowledge
  • French
  • Reasoning
  • Spell Bee

*Olympiad exam covers the school curriculum and the exam pattern is based on multiple-choice questions.

How many questions will be there in a question paper?

All the organizations have their own question sets like Scholars Olympiad- classes from 1 to 4 have 35 questions and for classes 5 to 10 have 50 questions.

How to prepare for Olympiad Exams?

Although the questions in the Olympiads are based on what a student studies in schools but the questions are more conceptual and trickier.

Which are the various Important School Level Olympiad Exams in India?

Scholars Olympiad (SO)

  • International Cyber Olympiad (ICO)
  • International Science Olympiad (ISO)
  • International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
  • International English Olympiad (IEO)
  • International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO)
  • International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO)


Olympiad exams are a great way to hone your child’s problem-solving and reasoning skills. With the right preparation, they can do wonders in helping your child excel academically and even gain recognition at an international level. We hope that our list of the 5 best Olympiad Exams in India has helped you decide which one is right for your child. With proper guidance and dedication, we are sure that their hard work will pay off with flying colours!