Prince2 certification is a professional management certification program based on the proven project management methodology adopted by first-class organizations worldwide. It is also known as Projects in Controlled Environment.

This certification program aims to teach you the project management techniques required to handle any project effectively and systematically to deliver the consumer-specific product regardless of the project size and the industry you’re working in.

There are a set of pre-established standard styles that can be implemented on the field and within the firm to enhance the planning and execution tactics of any project. And Prince2 certification trains you on those exact set of rules using which you can improve your overall project management expertise.

Due to the said reasons, this professional credit is accepted and preferred by many large-scale organizations in more than 200 countries for landing a secure project manager post.

Reasons to get a Prince2 certification

And no matter if you are a practising project manager or aspiring to become one, you should look at the 7 reasons discussed in this article to know how having Prince2 certification can help you land a fulfilling job and up-scale your career as a project manager.

  1. Easy accessibility

You don’t need to have specific years of experience or some mandatory set of skills and expertise to attain this management certificate. The program is open to all and hence can be applied by anyone and everyone willing.

In addition, the prince2 certification cost is also kept in a range that can be met by the majority.

However, proper prince2 training is recommended before attempting the certification exam to avoid any issues during the exam.

  1. Accordant program levels

From the base course for clearing the fundamental concepts of project management to the advanced certification program, the orderly ranking allows one to choose the certificate under their level of expertise in the management field.

Details regarding different programs under Prince2 certification are shared below in a tabular form.

Level specification
1.     Prince2 foundation Fundamentals and basics of project management
2.     Prince2 practitioner Implementing professional practices involved in the management skills
3.     Prince2 agile Executing the advanced strategies linked to prince2 methodology
  1. Broad understanding of project management aspects

The program is based on the project management principles following which, you will gain insights relating to different aspects of the management parameters. In addition, a set of instructions around project handling methods is included in the prince2 course, knowing which candidate is considered proficient in management capabilities.

At the same time, getting a hold on management aspects also allows you to tackle various difficulties arising during the execution period.

  1. Smooth processing

Getting the professional certificate under this program doesn’t involve complex procedures. You can attain the certification in three easy steps listed as follows:

  • Select the training partner and get yourself trained
  • Schedule the exam and appear on time
  • Clear the exam and join MY PRINCE2 within three months of passing to subscribe to your officially issued certificate.
  1. Wide exposure

As previously mentioned, Prince2 certification is accepted and practiced in more than 200 countries, which means you will get to have extensively broad exposure. In addition, having the prince2 tag on your CV will give a boost to your employability as prince2 certified project managers are given a preference by substantial business employers.

  1. Relevant across all industries

There are no restrictions on the field you are working in; this certificate is considered authentic across all industries as it deals with building the project delivery skills of the candidate following consumer expectations. It doesn’t matter if you’re an IT manager, construction manager, or related to another field; this program will help you excel in your respective careers by improving your project management efficiency.

  1. Aspirational pay

Last and most important, Prince2 certification can help you get a decent-paying job that will fulfil your salary graph. Generally, the prince2 certified professionals earn more than GBP 50,000 a year, which brings them onto the list of the most prized professionals across Europe.

To conclude, regardless if you are a recent graduate looking for a job or a practicing professional looking for a pay raise, this management skills-oriented course can help accomplish your goals in many ways, 7 of which we have looked at in the article.