Writing essays is common for college students. In the world of college, essays are classified as scientific papers that are often written. Not infrequently lecturers give the task of writing an essay. Moreover, there are usually many essay writing contests for students.

This article will help you write easy essays and examples. You can also find the best websites that will write essays. Besides that, you can also find paper writing services.

An essay is different from other types of scientific writing such as papers, research reports, theses, theses, or dissertations. An essay has its structure and rules. For anyone who is still confused, here is an explanation of the essay. Even if you can’t write an essay properly, here’s how to write my essay for me now which is complete and easy for beginners to follow.

What Are Essays?

In short, an essay is the author’s opinion on a particular subject. Research states that an essay is an essay or writing that conveys events that occur in society or the environment in the form of facts or experiences. The nature of the essay is argumentative and subjective because it contains the author’s opinion.

Another opinion is that essays are seen as an attempt to generate views on a topic in a short form and in the best way possible. The most important point in the essay is not what to talk about, but how to talk about it (explaining it).

So, an essay in the sense above is a short piece of writing on a particular subject that is usually written by students. Often an essay is a description of the author’s views or opinions on the topic discussed.

Not only explaining the meaning of an essay, the following also explains the characteristics of an essay:

Characteristics Of A Good Essay

1. Writing in the form of prose (exposition) written in several paragraphs. Essays are not poetry and are not fictitious prose

2. Compared to other types of scientific writing, essays are not too long. It’s relatively short. But the content is solid and clear. The issues or topics studied are generally interesting, important, and often discussed

3. Be subjective about actual problems using analysis, interpretation, and reflection

4. The writing style can be formal or informal with the author’s distinctive style according to the author’s writing character

5. Contains opinions, views, thoughts, attitudes, and stances of the author based on facts, sharpness of ideas, and strength of argumentation

Has three general structures, namely introduction, body, and closing

Writers must be able to write essays with coherent logic because this paper is argumentative.

So, in addition to discussing something interesting, the essay writer must also write reasonably so that the reader can easily understand what is conveyed.

Another goal is, essay writing can influence the reader’s thinking after reading the ideas described by the author.

The Professional Way to Write the Right Essay

In writing a correct and structured essay, there are several stages so that the essay written is of high quality. The stages include:

1. Decide on a topic

The first way to write an essay is to determine the topic. This determination can be easy but it can be difficult. Finding interesting ideas is sometimes not always easy.

In determining the topic, the author must ensure that the topic has an interesting side to be discussed. Also, make sure the topic is relevant enough to be discussed. In addition, it is necessary to consider the proximity of the topic to the reader and the reader’s interest in the topic.

2. Do Deep Research

After determining the topic, the next step is to find data and information related to the selected topic. Even though an essay is subjective and contains the author’s personal views, that does not mean that the writer can write without a clear and justifiable basis and argument.

Writing an essay still pays attention to a clear frame of mind (arguments). For this reason, searching for data is another mandatory thing that the author does. The more data, the easier it is to influence the reader’s thinking about the ideas the writer conveys. These data encourage the emergence of confidence in the reader that what the author conveys makes sense.

3. Create a Draft

Making a draft is an important thing for writers to do. Drafts help writers to build coherent and logical thinking. On the other hand, it also helps the writer to develop an essay writing framework. The things that need to be written in the draft are:

Essay writing structure. must be arranged logically

Write down the arguments used

Write down the subject matter

Add evidence or data to support the argument

Organize your argument to make sense

4. Write an Essay According to the Structure

Have you confirmed that the three steps above are fulfilled? Now we move on to the next step. After the topic has been selected, the supporting data has been collected, and the draft has been made, all we have to do is compile the essay based on the writing structure.

a. Introduction

The introductory section is written in a format ranging from general to specific. The first paragraph contains a general explanation of the topic. In this section, the reader is introduced to the topics that will be discussed in the discussion. Tips express thoughts that will answer questions and problems that arise. Explain the argument broadly.

b. Discussion

the section is usually the longest part of the essay. In each paragraph, the author conveys his ideas or main points according to the draft. The arguments that have been prepared beforehand should be written in this section. Also, include evidence or data supporting the argument.

c. Closing

The cover contains a conclusion. So, the writer must make sure that all the ideas are well summarized in this section. It is advisable to write conclusions with a structure from specific to general. That is, writing conclusions can be started by entering the problem and then a summary of keywords and arguments that answer the problem.

The author can also provide recommendations for problem-solving, predictions related to the essay topic, and recommendations for the next essay writing topic.

5. Reread

Finally, re-read the essay. Re-reading is needed so that the author can see the shortcomings of his writing. In addition, by rereading, the writer can correct writing errors in the essay.