After completing the TEFL/TESOL certification, it is certain to have plenty of things to establish. Teaching English overseas is an implausible experience that gives you the chance to dip yourself into a different culture. Well, what’s the catch then?We have shared some commonly asked questions about the obligations needed to teach English abroad.

The Important Documents

Here are the basic documents needed for teaching English overseas:

  1. A Passport Legal for at Least Two Years

Passport’s expiry date is a real problem till now. The fact is that most countries will not let you in if your passport has less than six months validity with at least a year is often essential when applying for visas and work permits. Hence, to keep your options open and anxiety levels to a minimum, it is way better to start with out with an enduring passport than to have to recommence it later on from outside your home country.

  1. TEFL Certificate

To grab the best ESL/EFL teaching positions, you should ensure that your TEFL qualifications are properly highlighted. A TEFL certificate verifies that you’ve finished necessary training to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL).

Nevertheless, in some cases, it may possible to get a position without training, but a TEFL certificate will make your job search easier by providing more opportunities in more countries. Or else, you’ll have to control your search to certain areas.

  1. A Unique Cover Letter

It might be easy to create a cover letter by using a standard template, though, this might not be the best method. By making a unique cover letter, you can really stand out by letting the company know why you want to teach overseas, why you have selected their country, and why you want to work for them in specific. Your cover letter is frequently the first thing the company will see thus, you should do all you can to make a wonderful first impression.

  1. Reference Letters

Although reference letters are not always obligatory by employers but it is better to get 2 or 3 organized before you might want them. A good reference from a former teacher, college lecturer, or office manager can increase some real weight to your job applications.

Therefore, don’t be frightened to deliver the referee with some management as to the contents you would like included. Additionally, don’t be anxious to approach them in the first place as most individuals will feel privileged to be enquired.

  1. University Transcripts

Except in South Korea and most countries in the Middle East, sealed university transcripts are not extensively necessary. As guidelines frequently change and you can’t constantly be sure where your travels will take you, it might be a good idea to have these documents with you when you set off.

  1. Apostilled and Notarized University Degree

Yet again, these are usually only essential in South Korea and the Middle East at the time of writing, but this could change at any time. Apostille benefactors can be found via an online search or you can contact your university in a straight line.


  • Criminal Record Related Check

Please note, the precise name of this document will differ depending on your home country. For example, in the US, it is known as an FBI Background Check. Its significance is to demonstrate the fact that you have a clean record with nothing to hide.

These checks are not mandatory in several countries at the time of writing, but then South Korea does entail it. As with most sanctioned documents, these are much easier to acquire before you leave your home country.

  • Work Visa/Permit

Generally, your work visa/permit will be systematized by your employer once you arrive in the country. The procedure is lengthy and complicated. All you need to do is confirm throughout the interview process whether you need to carry any specific documentation as mentioned above. Your proprietor should also approve what kind of preliminary entry visa you need.

  • Medical Tests

Mostly, there are no requirements for medical tests or examinations. But there are a few exceptions. For instance, a work permit application in Thailand needs a test for Syphilis and in Saudi Arabia, you might need a test for HIV-AIDS.

Though, if any medical tests or examinations are obligatory, they should be done after you have arrived in the country so there is no need to worry about them in advance. The only exclusion to this would be in the case of travel vaccines. A quick bit of online research will disclose if any vaccines are suggested for your preferred destination.

Teaching English abroad is not always easy, nevertheless, it definitely can be rewarding. Even though the requirements may contrast from country to country and school to school, TEFL Certificate is one of the most important ones. Now that you have all your chucks in a row with all the documents and qualifications to teach English abroad, it’s time to start your teach English abroad career!.